Discovering Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt, the lives of the pharaohs and their world has been a constant interest throughout my life. It began at five, when my grandfather entertained me with stories about the ancient Egyptians. He also gave me a respect for scientific method, inspired me to appreciate art and taught me to examine the world around me through observational drawing. As a result, I grew up to become an artist with a love of science and Egyptology.
My artistic works over forty years have been moulded by ancient Egyptian artistic conventions and my later works, writing books and reconstructing Egyptian monuments, are the product of twenty years of drawings, paintings, photos, and observational notes I meticulously made while travelling the Egyptian Nile.
I apply a meticulous regard to material evidence and archaeological knowledge in my work. So if you believe aliens built the pyramids this website is not for you and I do not reply to emails containing such ideas.

I hope you enjoy this website. It has a basic description of hieroglyphic writing. You can have fun with the Hieroglyphic Typewriter – you can write your name in the ancient script and email secret messages to your friends.
You will also learn about Egyptian numerals and test your knowledge with some mathematical problems set out using the ancient numbers.
This website includes stories about the powerful kings and queens, the gods of ancient Egypt, and detailed explanations and visual aids for the mummification process. In the pyramid & temple section, you can explore the ancient monuments, using interactive maps, photos, drawings, and paintings. Also check out 3D Temples and see how these shrines, to the gods, may have appeared to ancient eyes.